What is Megaenzyme EQ™?
Megaenzyme EQ™ is a concentrated supplement of enzymes, probiotics and antibodies, specially designed to reach an efficient and complete digestion, improving significantly the absorption of nutrients in the horse´s digestive tract. Improving the horse's digestion through the hydrolitic effect of the enzymes in Megaenzyme EQ™, increases the bio-availability of nutrients and their absorption in the horse's digestive tract. Additionally, Megaenzyme EQ™ reduces the viscocity of the digesta facilitating its path through the digestive tract, preventing disconfort and improving the horse's general well being. Additionally, Megaenzyme EQ™ prevents problems of digestive metabolic disfunctions inherent to horses, prevents gases and result in a dry and odorless excrement, also improving the horse general well being.
The probiotics and antibodies in Megaenzyme EQ™ increase the horse´s passive immunity, resulting in a higher quality food which protects the horse against disease, thus reducing veterinary treatment costs and improving the horse´s general well being.
The net effect of using Megaenzyme EQ™ is the production of optimum efficiency food that provides the pet with means for an optimum digestion and with vectors for greater immunity, resulting in less veterinary costs and a better animal general well being and health.
Mode of action and means of application:
With Megaenzyme EQ™ a maximum availability of nutrients is achieved through the hydrolitic effects of its components: PROTEASE, AMILASE, CELULASE, LIPASE, PEPTINASE, LACTASE, BETA GLUCANASE, HEMICELULASE and PHYTASE in the Inositol Hexaphosphate and in the amine, carbohydrate, lipids and fiber groups. The above mentioned enzymes are produced from Aspergillus Orizae through the fermentation and extraction method.
Protein |
+ |
Protease |
= |
Peptine |
+ |
Amino Acids |
Starch |
+ |
Amilase |
= |
Glucose |
Celulose |
+ |
Celulase |
= |
Glucose |
+ |
Celubiose |
Fat |
+ |
Lipase |
= |
Glicerine |
Peptine |
+ |
Peptimase |
= |
Galactutonic Acid |
Lactose |
+ |
Lactase |
= |
Glucose |
+ |
Galactose |
B-Glucans |
+ |
Beta-Glucans |
= |
B-glucans Hydrolisis |
+ |
Reduction of excreta viscosity |
Inositol Hexphosphate |
+ |
Phytase |
= |
Phosphorous |
+ |
Residual Components (Inositol) |
Hemicelulose |
+ |
Hemicelulase |
+ |
Reduction of excreta viscosity |
Megaenzyme EQ™ also contain probiotics (lactobacilus acidofilus, bifedobacterium thermophilum, bifedobacterium longum, estreptocus faecium y bacilus subtilus) aimed at restoring intestinal microflora and producing lactic acid in localized micro-intestinal areas, contributing to the elimination of pathogenic micro-organisms in the digestive tract. Bacillus subtilus also produce digestive enzymes in intestinal micro-locations, thus helping to improve intestinal metabolism.
Megaenzyme EQ™ contains the Rota-virus Bovine antibody which has a great effectiveness against PARVOVIRUS. Megaenzyme EQ™ is mixed with water or oil, by using standard liquid dispensing systems, after extrusion or pelletization and according to the following rates per MT of food and Megaenzyme EQ™ assimilation average per pet: 300 grams/MT. Megaenzyme EQ™ is stable to the standard pelletization process (80°C, 2 minutes)
Guaranteed levels of enzymes and probiotics
Enzima |
UFC/lb Min. |
Probiotico |
UFC/lb Min. |
Protease |
455.000 |
Lactobacilus Acidofilus | |
Amilase |
3.412.500 |
Bifedobacterium Thermophilum | |
Celulase |
182.000 |
Bifedobacterium Longum | |
Peptinase |
91.000 |
Streptococus Faecium | |
Hemicelulase |
90,000 |
Bacilus Subtilus |
40,000,000,000 |
Phytase |
15,000 |
Antibody Salmonella Rotavirus |
Concentration 256 titer 512 titre |
Lipase |
136,000 |
Beta Glucanase |
180,000 |
Lactase |
2.000 |
All ingredients are approved for use in animal feeds in USA under the FDA norms as published in the AFCO Manual (American Feed Control Officials ) Pages 204 to 219.