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What is Antibovet™?
Antibovet™ is custom made blend of antibodies for any species. The custom blend is made to the customer's specifications in the type of antibody and the level of titer.

Antibovet™ comes in powder and paste form. In powder from it is administered directly into the feed or water. In paste form is administered orally to large animals, on the recommendation of the attending veterinarian.

Mode of action:
With modern technical innovations in immunology, we are now able to produce individual antibodies at given levels (titer) for many of the intestinal pathogens that invade young animals.

These antibodies can be blended and orally fed to ensure that each animal receives an adequate oral dose. If given within a few hours after birth, the young animals can absorb these antibodies and have passive immunity. Older animals can be fed antibodies to displace pathogens from the gut.

Animals need a minimum amount of beneficial bacteria (micro-flora) in order to maintain a normal digestion and for protection against pathogens. Normally, when pathogens enter the intestinal tract, they tend to compete with the micro-flora in occupying inner intestinal surface (competitive exclusion). This creates an imbalance in the intestinal micro-flora reducing the dominant presence of lactic acid producing bacteria.

In this situation, natural antibodies, specific against predominant pathogens in the animal, attach themselves to their specific pathogens. In this way, the antibodies inhibit the infectious action of the pathogens, which are then excreted, thus preventing animal infection.

Type of antibodies: E.Coli k88, 987p (1024 T, F-18 256 T, Porcine Rotavirus 1024T type 1 and 2, 1024T, Coronavirus 1024T, Cryptosporidia 512T , Clostridia Perfringens 1024 T, TGE 1024 T, Salmonella Dublins 1024 T, S.thyphimorium 256 T, S enteritidis 1024 T, S. Anatum 256 T. Circovirus 512 T, PED 640, 0157, 0-141 and 64,000.

Pastes – 300gr and 30gr plastic tubes in 25 to 50 tubes/carton box.
Powder – 500gr pouches in 20kg carton boxes.

In paste form, vegetable oil. In powder from, maltodextrin.

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