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Press Releases and Selected News:
Deferoxamine Mesylate Market to Witness Robust Expansion by 2029 with Teva api, Chengdu Easton Biopharmaceuticals, Pharmapex Group
The Deferoxamine Mesylate Report is a unique record that gives a total judgment of the market in terms of
future patterns, development factors, creation volume, CAGR estimation, net revenue, cost, and industry-approved market data.
Pharmapex's novel mastitis treatment offers hope to world farmers
Efficient feed-based mastitis treatment boosts livestock health with a unique microencapsulated technology.
FDA approves Farxiga to treat type 2 diabetes
The U.S. FDA today approved Farxiga (dapaglifozin) tablets to improve glycemic control, along with diet and exercise, in adults with type 2 diabetes.
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