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Stermax™ - Natural source of Omega 3,6,9

Stermax is the only product line in the global market that has the highest concentrated content of Omega-3,6,9 fatty acids, isolated from unique mixture of four vegetable oils, balanced in excellent ratio of Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids. This product line has many applications in human dietary supplements, pharmaceutical products, functional food, cosmetic components, sports nutrition products, and veterinary preparations.

Why Ethyl Esters?
The ethyl ester form provides excellent bioavailability and high bioretention of fatty acids Omega 3,6,9 in the human body. Ensures fast transportation to all cells of human body and beneficial health effect. Aditionally, transesterification process is carried out under nitrogen atmosphere, which increases the stability of the product and protects againstfatty oxidative changes.
Moreover ehtyl esters production process guarantee the removal of all pollutants occuring in vegetable oils, which results in 100% plant preparations in the form of ultraclean monoesters

ALA – Natural precursor of fatty acids
  • Stermax product line contains the unique essential unsaturated plant fatty acids Omega-3(α-linolenic ALA). The human body can't produce ALA by itself so it is necessary to supply it in daily food. Moreover ALA is a precursor of the rest of omega-3 fatty acids, i.e., DHA and EPA (metabolic pathway)
  • Plant Omega-3 has strong pharmacological properties, independent of DHA and EPA activity, and therefore occupies most important position in a number of Omega-3 acids.
  • The FDA (Food and Drug Administration) has recognized ALA as the only essential polyunsaturated omega-3 fatty acid.
  • Stermax product line is a rich source of extremely valuable Gamma-linolenic acid (GLA Omega-6).
To find out about our unique proprietary manufacturing technology click here.

To see the range of products for Stermax Line of Products click here.

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Issue #: 211 – AHD:
by Animal Health Department

Issue #: 214 – CHD:
by Consumer Health Department

Issue #: 224 – F&F:
by Food & Feed Business Unit
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